True education.

Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.
                 We want that education by which character is formed ,strength of mind is increased,the intellect is expanded ,and by which one can stand on one's own feet.
                        What we want are western science coupled with Vedanta,brahmcharya as the guiding motto.And also sharada and faith in one's own self.
                                 ..SWAMI VIVEKANANDA
1) If you born poor,its not your mistake
     But if you die poor,its your mistake.
2) Born with personality is an accident
     But dying In a personality is an achievement.
3) Your birth may be normal
     But your death should be history.
4) follow none
     But learn from every one.
5) Practice like a devil
     And paly like an Angel.
6) Do or die is an old concept
     Do it before Die is a new concept.
7) like all,trust few.
                  ....gurajada service foundation.


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