
Showing posts from October, 2019

True education.

Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.                  We want that education by which character is formed ,strength of mind is increased,the intellect is expanded ,and by which one can stand on one's own feet.                         What we want are western science coupled with Vedanta,brahmcharya as the guiding motto.And also sharada and faith in one's own self.                                                                            ..SWAMI VIVEKANANDA                               7 GREAT QUOTATIONS. 1) If you born poor,its not your mistake      But if you die poor,its your mistake. 2) Born with personality is an accident      But dying In a personality is an achievement. 3) Your birth may be normal      But your death should be history. 4) follow none      But learn from every one. 5) Practice like a devil      And paly like an Angel. 6) Do or die is an old concept      Do it before Die is a new concept. 7) like all,trust f

Gurajada Apparao gari birthday celebrations in Sri gurajada Apparao government degree college in yelamanchili with gurajada service foundation.

Hi everyone this gsf celebrate the gurajada jayanthi .Maha kavi gurajada Apparao .Cheif guest is honorable person Dr.k.Malyadri sir (Principal)and vani mam (teacher in govt school in yelamanchili)and N.Nirmala Kumari(Head of the deportment of commerce)and P.Manjula (lecture in commerce)Vkt mahalaxmi (head of the deportment in Telugu)and Laxmi (head of the deportment in Hindi).gsf All members participate this program that day .this foundation helps so mony poor peoples and poor children's.
Gurajada service foundation is established on 2/01/2019. Hi everyone,we are from Sri gurajada service,with this foundation we helped lot of poor students and children's.if you want to help some financial to us then please donate some amount. If u donate amount plz contact this numbers 7569170044 and 8686236438 so plz help some amount . this foundation starts by Sri gurajada Apparao government degree college in yelamanchili. Frds this foundation helps so many poor peoples and poor children's. This foundation conduct monthly activities and helps us peoples . In this foundation total members 54. All members help them this foundation. 

Gsf Services


Gsf program in yelamnchili
